Friday, September 9, 2011

Blog Images Fixed & Finally Joined DA...


Wow, why is it life always gets really insane when you're in no mood for it. I want so badly to be creating new stuff in Poser and PSP and that blasted thing called "real life" has to go get in the way... *sigh*

Anyhow... The images for this blog are fixed, thanks to my benefactor, Salashin. There was a behind the scenes issue that's fixed now. I just happened to come by and notice the images weren't working. :(

Can you believe I finally took the plunge and joined Deviant Art after all these years of resisting...? Well, what can I say...? I really needed another subscription like I need a whole in the head... But maybe I'll find something inspiring there. I know I occasionally see tutorials and stuff there that look interesting.... Time will tell, I feel like a total newbie and idiot over there right now...

Some time in the next week or so, I hope to make an entry in the "My Favorite Poser Purchases series that I started. I also have another series of posts in mind. So keep checking back...

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